Central New York had a moment of glory in downtown Denver, Colorado on May 5th when our STC Community won Gold in the national Community Achievement Awards at the STC national conference. Our chapter membership has grown over 200% from 2017 to 2019! Last year’s new members included technical writers working for local companies, freelance technical writers, and students. Our web-based programs, which support our geographically diverse membership, helped us attract new members. The engagement of our members, as well as our collaboration with other New York Chapters (Rochester and Metro), helped us secure the Gold prize. We encourage non-STC members to attend our functions and make sure that they hear about the benefits of joining our chapter. I’m looking forward to seeing what our chapter can accomplish in the next year! – Dara Barley, President
Read more about Society for Technical Communication Community Achievement Awards at https://www.stc.org/community-achievement-awards/ and Central NY Chapter’s Gold Award “for your fierce dedication to promoting STC and its value to the technical communicators in central New York State.”